Our Mission


Our mission at Re-Lax Sports Company is to inspire environmental and economic sustainability in the lacrosse world.

From lacrosse equipment to apparel, we strive to minimize our environmental footprint by sourcing recycled materials and collaborating with zero-waste manufacturers. We are striving to Close the Loop with lacrosse equipment and recycling old equipment and creating brand new products.

We believe that we can lower the barrier of entry to our sport, and encourage more athletes to play lacrosse. We give back to the game by matching all of our equipment orders with donations to lacrosse programs. For every lacrosse head sold, we will donate an equal amount to underserved lacrosse communities around the globe with our partners at The Give & Go Foundation.

Meet the Team

  • Colton Rasmussen

    Co-Founder, CEO

  • Adam Ghitelman


  • Justus Peterson

    Marketing Intern

The Re-Lax Sports Company Pillars

  • High-Performance Lacrosse

  • Environmental Sustainability

  • Social & Economical Impact

Lacrosse Heads

Apparel & Merchandise

The 1-4-1 Program